Many of my clients and friends, as well as a few folks in Indianapolis, have asked how The Graphic Edge actually got the contract to produce the directional signs and banners for the NFL. Here’s that part of the story.
In the summer of 2010, the request for proposals started coming from the NFL and other Super Bowl purchasing entities. It was exciting to see them in my inbox, even though I only received two.
The first request for proposal was brief and basically asked for pricing. The project included signs to be used outside the stadium. We did not get it and were bummed. The next proposal came in a 23-page document. I was a bit intimidated but was not going to let it pass me by.
So I tackled the proposal like a college term paper and this is why I think we got the job. I mirrored their proposal. They had a table of contents, I had a table of contents, they listed items in an outline format and I copied it. If they liked their request for proposal format, they should like mine. I Fed Ex’d the proposal and went on a summer vacation. When I came home, I learned we were short-listed. So Exciting!
We sent print samples – posters, direct print to coroplast, cut vinyl arrows along with lo tac adhesive inkjet labels. We scheduled a time for them to tour the print shop on their next visit to Dallas. We had partnered with another sign company. It was necessary to build a team to provide the required amount of signs and banners needed. This eventually added up to over 8000 signs!
We visited with our potential client for 30 minutes. They didn’t want a full tour, just wanted to meet us and they left. Two weeks later, I received an email that we had won the contract. Very short and to the point. “Congratulations…looking forward to working with you. We will contact you with further details. …Bye”
SOOO AWESOME! It was totally incredible we got this project. The Host Committee called me, they were very proud of us and wanted me to be interviewed by WFAA and FOX 4 News/video below.
NFL Emerging Businesses Score Big with Super Bowl 45: